July 4th Sale!

Blues Licks By Steve Stine Offer Expires July 4th at 11:59 PM Pacific


Regular Price: $119

Sale Price: $39.60 | You Save: $79.40 (67% Off)

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Dear Fellow Guitar Lover,

Imagine picking up your guitar, the wood and strings feel great in your hands. Your fingers move easily across the fretboard and hit all the notes. The sound resonates in the room. You nod, feeling satisfied as you play an authentic blues solo off the top of your head.

It’s as easy as breathing. Your fingers move through licks and patterns that you love. You crank out a few gut-wrenching bends and finish with a nice, clean vibrato.

Sounds too easy, right?

If that sounds like fun to you, then Blues Licks is for you.

It doesn’t matter what your current skill-level is right now, there will always be something new to learn and that’s when you make BIG progress.

How You Can Make Big Progress

One big problem you may have run into is that guitar stops being fun when you play the same things over and over again.

Or you try to play things that are too difficult and you end up frustrated and confused.

Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t practice things you’re bad at. That’s the only way you’ll get better.

But if it feels like you’re running into a brick wall, then you’re only hurting yourself and losing your passion for guitar.

Fact: About 90% of guitarists quit because they couldn’t master a certain lick or skill.

That’s the worst thing that can happen.

You Can Get Out of Your Rut Playing Blues Solos

If you’re serious about playing authentic blues solos then you need to understand...

You’re not always going to “get it” right away.

I remember when I got stuck on something I couldn’t master, no matter how many hours I practiced, it just didn’t work.

It seriously hurt my self-confidence and there were a few times where I felt like locking my guitar in its case and putting it down, forever.

What you need to realize is that you can’t ignore these problems hoping that one day you’ll just magically get through it.

Fact is, if you’re not ready, then you’re not ready.

Introducing… Blues Licks!

Here’s What You Can Do

Steve Stine, former Professor of Modern Guitar Studies at North Dakota State University decided to take his more than 28 years of teaching and playing guitar to make a short course aimed specifically at teaching people how to play wicked, awe-inspiring blues licks.

The outcome was this…

Instead of banging your head against the wall, trying to figure out blues licks by yourself.

You’ll ignite your blues soloing creativity with a ton of authentic blues licks that Steve Stine breaks down step by step.

This is exactly what you’ll learn in Blues Licks.

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Knowing a TON of Blues Licks Makes Playing Guitar 10X Easier and 10X More Fun

You won’t need to spend hours on YouTube finding your favorite blues licks.

Because you’ll get a HUGE collection of blues licks in every style to mix and match to create authentic blues licks from scratch.

About Steve Stine

Steve Stine is known as the world’s most sought-after guitar instructor. He’s famous for his ability to help students massively improve their playing while having fun. He holds a bachelor’s degree in music education, is an instructor at Guitar World Magazine, and former professor of Modern Guitar at North Dakota State University. He’s toured as an artist throughout the U.S. and U.K. He’s literally helped millions of guitarists in over 103 countries achieve their goals.

The bottom line?

Steve Cannot Only Play He Can Teach

Which is a rare combination. And he has a knack for explaining complicated stuff in a way that a 5-year-old can easily understand.

What You’ll Learn…

Module 1

  • How to tune your guitar the fast and easy way, so you can always sound your best when you play. (HINT: Being in tune is CRUCIAL.)
  • 3 essential soloing skills every blues guitarist MUST know: hammer-ons, pull-offs, and trills. And how to perform them the “right” way, so your solos sound authentic from beginning to end.
  • How to perform a variety of string bends, like anchor bends, unison bends, and “blues” bends. And discover how B.B. King made his guitar “sing” with string bends.
  • How to create sweet-sounding vibrato and use it with any lick. So you can add a more “vocal” sound to your licks and solos.

The licks get gradually more challenging as you move along. But Steve will take it nice and slow in this first module. So you’ll have a strong foundation for every lick you learn in the course.

You’ll also start playing these licks over the jam tracks. And Steve will show you how to match them with the rhythm track to make sure you’re playing in the right key.

This is called “transposition.” And this is one the most important skills you can have as a guitarist.

Transposition is just a big, fancy word that means to change keys.

For example, let’s say you learn this lick in the key of A minor. But the song you want to solo over is in the key of G minor.

Well, you can’t play an A minor lick over a G minor song, or it’s going to sound like a train-wreck.

You’ll need to transpose the lick. So you’d move everything down two frets, which is a whole-step.

That’s called transposition. Just moving from one place to another so the lick matches the key of the song.

And here’s the amazing part...

There are twelve different keys.

Once you learn all 79 licks in the course and you understand how to transpose them...

You’ll be able to play 948 blues licks in twelve different keys.

Now, let me say that again, just in case you dozed off...

You’re going to learn 79 blues llicks in this course, right? And you’ll learn how to transpose them to all 12 possible keys for any song.

So, 76 licks X 12 keys equals 948 possible blues licks to use in your solos.

Pretty cool, right?

Module 2

  • Advanced bending techniques such as harmony bends, reverse bends and double stops. So you can add serious flavor and “twang” to your licks and take your solos to a whole new level.
  • How to add chromatic notes to major pentatonic licks. So you can create dynamic blues licks that sound amazing.
  • How to cross strings effectively and smoothly. Which means, you’ll play killer blues licks across multiple strings with confidence and precision.

Module 3

  • 1 simple trick called “chord chasing.” And how you can use it to solo over ANY chord progression.
  • A smokin’ hot blues lick in the style of Stevie Ray Vaughan. And how to use this legendary bluesman’s techniques in your own playing.
  • Essential blues turnarounds, so you can play a complete blues progression from beginning to end.
  • Discover how finding the “root” note lets you play the same lick in any position. So you can solo with complete freedom... and confidence.

And you’ll supercharge your blues skills by learning...

  • Proper bending using two and three fingers
  • The right and wrong way move through scale-patterns
  • How to play the same lick in different octaves
  • How to play a lick vertically and horizontally
  • And how to use articulation to completely change the sound of lick

But don't worry. Because you’ll have the complete, note-for-note tab transcription. And you can pause the video anytime you want so you can go at you own pace.

Plus you’ll be able to see exactly where to place your fingers because all the video was recorded was two cameras, so there’s plenty of fretboard close-ups.

You’ll explore licks that use the:

  • 7-note major and minor scales (sometimes called “diatonic”)
  • The pentatonic major and minor
  • The blues scale
  • Hybrid scales
  • And the Dorian mode

And you’ll learn simple ways to combine licks using all these scale-patterns, so you’ll have complete freedom in your solos.

  • You’ll also learn how to plan your solo from start-to-finish
  • How to be more expressive in your playing
  • How to avoid having your solo sound like a scale
  • And how to modify the licks to match the feel of a song...

For example, you might slow down a lick if you’re playing over a slow, minor blues.

And you’d play the exact lick in a completely different way if it’s a fast-paced, rock tune.

You’ll learn:

  • Alternate picking patterns
  • How to substitute the Dorian mode for the minor scale
  • How to use “blue notes” to give your solos a bluesy-feel
  • 3-note per string licks
  • How to use chromatic notes to jazz-up your leads

And you’ll finish up with few advanced lead-techniques like...

  • Pinch-harmonics
  • Pick-slides
  • Two-string hammer-ons and pull-offs
  • And a few other goodies that you’ll have to see to believe...

Here’s What Other Guitarists Say About Steve Stine

Steve - I am fascinated how one guitar player can be so much better than another while playing the exact same part. You nail it: fundamentals.
Michael Williamsen
I've subscribed to a gazillion online guitar instructors. I have to say yours is differentiated by the substance, value and expertise you provide. By far one of the best. Your method of instruction clearly shows that you really know how to teach guitar (I found myself thinking if I get the chance, I'd like to take lessons from you directly).
Jay Schelski
I never know how to comment on just one facet of the lesson when I listen to Steve, it seems like every 90 seconds I have an “ah ha!” moment. Where was this guy 30 years ago when I first thought it might be cool to play guitar!
Bob Mello
Steve......you break it all down to the ridiculous which makes you such a great teacher. Man, I could watch you for hours on end. I watch everything that has the Steve Stine name on it. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Paul Hodge
Have seen a lot of instructional videos over the years. Steve is consistently the best by far. He can dumb down a complex topic or technique so anyone can understand or perform it. I will buy every course he makes.
Nancy Williamsburg

Here’s What You Get

Lifetime Access to Steve Stine’s Blues Licks Course ($119 Value)

Lifetime access to Steve Stine’s Blues Licks course with hours of focused, step-by-step video lessons shot with 2 camera angles and tons of fretboard close-ups.

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Here’s What This Will Do For You

  • You’ll be able to grab your guitar and play eye-popping licks that will transform your solos into sweet music that will grab at the audience and won’t let go
  • You’ll understand the styles and techniques of blues legends like B.B. King, Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
  • You’ll be able to get up and play with other musicians with confidence
  • You’ll be able to crank out wicked, soul-inspiring blues solos and never play a boring solo again.
  • You’ll understand what you’re playing, and why it works.
  • You’ll see the fretboard in a whole new way.
  • You’ll approach soloing with a new perspective.
  • You’ll have a new sense of freedom
  • You’ll be a better overall musician because you’ll master the techniques, styles, devices and tricks that are needed to master all 96 licks
  • You’ll expand your knowledge of the fretboard and how to bend in different areas of the guitar
  • You’ll discover the endless possibilities at your fingertips whenever you pick up your guitar.
  • The stuff you’ve been scratching your head about for years will finally make sense!
  • You’ll be finally be able to play THOSE songs you’ve always avoided because you didn’t think you were “good enough”

You Also Get These Fast-Action Bonuses
When You Order By July 4th at Midnight
(Total Value $157)

Fast Action Bonus #1: The Creative Fretboard By Steve Stine (Value $69)
First 50 Orders

In this 3-hour bonus course by Steve Stine, you’ll learn…

  • 3 new ways to visualize the fretboard, so you can break free from patterns and play impressive guitar solos that sparkle with creativity.
  • The inside secrets legends like Randy Rhoads and Jimmy Page use to turn the fretboard into a “palette” of sounds for masterful solos.
  • How to play 2 songs in the style of Robert Johnson. So you can play authentic Delta blues in the key of A.
  • How to move seamlessly between licks, strings, and positions so your solos sound fluid and melodic.
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Fast Action Bonus #2: Strength And Speed Builder By Steve Stine (Value $49)
First 100 Orders

  • You’ll learn easy shortcuts to build your hand and finger strength. So everything you play stays in tune and you have the stamina to play songs the whole way through.
  • Plus, you’ll discover awesome tips and tricks to build your picking speed and accuracy.
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Fast Action Bonus #3: Guitar Tone (Value $39)
First 200 Orders

  • How you can dial in your gear to create a killer guitar tone. You’ll get tips on amp settings, how to use effects, and how to get the sounds you hear in Steve’s courses and videos.
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Bonus #1: Ultimate Guide to String Bending (Value $99)

In this 2.5 hour video bonus course by Steve Stine, you’ll learn…

  • How to perform string bends with precision, so you always stay in tune.
  • The secret to whole- and half-step bends, so you can add emotion to your solos.
  • Easy ways to add vibrato to your string bends. Which means, your guitar will sound like it’s singing.
  • and more!
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Bonus #2: Slide Guitar By Rob Ashe (Value $59)

In this 3 hour video bonus course by Rob Ashe, you’ll discover:

  • Tons of smokin' hot slide-licks that you can start playing immediately, from the very first day
  • Step-by-step intro to playing slide guitar! Everything you need to know to get started the right way...
  • How to set up your guitar for slide, which strings you needs, choosing the right slide and picks for you, and a whole lot more…
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Bonus #3: Blues Jam Tracks (Value $39)

  • This collection of jam tracks is perfect for any blues guitarist. You'll solo over chord changes and hone your blues chops, so you can boost your confidence and carve out your personal style.
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Bonus #4: The Complete Tab Book (Value $19)

You also get the complete tab in downloadable PDF format for each course. So you can easily follow along and always know exactly where to place your fingers along the fretboard…

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Bonus #5: Progress Tracker (Value $19)

Blues Licks also comes with a Progress Tracker, so you’ll know exactly where to start, be able to chart your daily progress, and always know what to work on next. So you won’t waste any time “noodling” around…

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Bonus #6: Lifetime Access To Our Private GuitarZoom Facebook Group
(Value $67)

You’ll also receive 24/7 access to our private GuitarZoom Facebook Group, where there are tons of fellow students and instructors ready and willing to help you.

Now you don’t have to worry about getting stuck. And you’ll be part of a worldwide community of guitar players...

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Here’s Why You Need To Order Now

For the next few days you can grab the entire course for a nice $79.40 OFF discount.

Just remember…

This offer is only available until July 4th Midnight. After that, we’re putting it on the website for full retail price.

So if you’re serious about playing authentic blues solos order right now before the timer hits zero... and this special offer is removed forever.

30 Day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Now, just to make this a complete, no-brainer for you… you’re also protected by our 30-DAY, 100% satisfaction guarantee. Which means you’re not happy with this training for any reason, simply send it back for complete refund, less shipping.

No questions asked. No restocking fee. And no receipt required.

Now it doesn’t get any more fair than that.

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Here's How To Order

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Here's What It Costs

Full Course Price:

Total Value:


Sale Price:

1 Payment of $39.60

You Save $79.40 (67%)

This Offer Ends July 4th at Midnight

But it will only be available until the timer on this page hits zero.

So, click the Add To Cart button below and let’s get started.

I’m serious. Do it now! :-)

Five Important Reminders:

  1. This offer expires July 4th at midnight. After that the price will be bumped back up so the faster you secure your spot in the course package, the more you save…
  2. You can’t get better if you keep doing the same things over and over. This training will force you to get better. You will be way outside your comfort zone… and that’s when you make big breakthroughs in your playing. You don’t make big-progress by “noodling” around. So, jump on board and sign up now!
  3. This is the ONLY course that builds a complete set of Blues Licks from the ground up on the planet… you won’t find this anywhere else, at any price. You can only get it here on this page. And when it’s gone… it’s gone!
  4. You’re covered by a 30-Day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Which means you can take this entire class, put it to work for you. And if you aren’t thrilled with your results, just let us know and you’ll get all your money back… no receipt required.
  5. We tend to regret the things we do in the short-term. But we regret the things we did NOT do in the long-term… a lot more! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to get top-gun, hands-on, personalized training from one the world’s leading guitar experts. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Sign up today!


Most people only ever talk about becoming better at guitar and hardly any of them EVER end up doing anything about it.

Whatever initial dream that had when they first picked up a guitar, it’s gone and all those hopes and aspirations fade and pile up on the bottom of the dusty floor, packed away like a guitar in its case under the bed, forgotten.

YOU have a chance right now to separate yourself from those wannabe’s. Not only do you have a complete A-Z guide with everything your need to start playing awesome rock solo’s from an instructor who not only knows his stuff, but knows how to teach them.

You also get amazing Blues Licks to add to your list and exclusive access to some of Steve Stine’s most popular courses that only members have access to.

Think of how many opportunities you’ve missed out on before. Imagine how good you would be right now if you had only taken those chances. Don’t let it happen again. This is THAT moment in your life where you wake up and start DOING things.

You just need to Click Here to Start

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