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Complete Technique

Master advanced guitar techniques like picking styles, creating unique sounds, and building effective practice routines.

Lead Guitar Licks

Develop your lead guitar skills with essential licks, techniques for soloing, and integrating licks with rhythm sections.

Scale Soloing Connection

Explore a variety of scales and modes, and learn to creatively incorporate them into your guitar solos for dynamic musical expression.

Essential Finger Exercises

Focus on daily exercises to develop finger strength, hand synchronization, and overall stamina for guitar playing.

Simple Songs

Begin your guitar journey with this course, covering basics like guitar parts, chords, strumming, and playing simple songs.

Elite Soloing

Elevate your guitar soloing skills with advanced techniques like bending, vibrato, and improvisation strategies for dynamic and expressive play.

Live Summit Recordings

Access recordings of a live guitar meetup, offering insights and discussions in a three-part series.

Soloing Skills

Develop your guitar soloing skills with lessons on picking techniques, string control, and essential soloing elements like bending, vibrato, and harmonics.

Simple Licks

Learn and master a series of simple yet effective guitar licks, ideal for beginners and those looking to expand their musical vocabulary.

Acoustic Guitar Made Easy

Learn acoustic guitar from the ground up, exploring chords, strumming, barre chords, and fingerpicking techniques.

Barre Chords and Beyond

Enhance your guitar skills with lessons on barre chords, including their variations and the CAGED chording system.

Soloing Without Scales

A fun way to learn how to play guitar solos over different chords without needing to know any scales.

6-Week Soloing Challenge

Learn to use everything you’ve learned on guitar over the years to interact with music in real time

Fretboard Framework

Fretboard Framework shows guitar players a new way to play songs and solos across the fretboard using triads

Play More Songs

Learn essential chords and strumming patterns that will help you play hundreds of popular songs

Blues Masterclass

Blues Masterclass is an in-depth course that covers every aspect of blues guitar playing such as playing blues songs, rhythms, and authentic blues solos.