Some guitar players feel intimidated just by the mere fluff of this major chord’s name. The brave few left tend to be scared off by the shape of the g# chord.
But, have no fear, GuitarZoom is here!
Ok, cringy puns aside... We are going to clear up all the unnecessary drama associated with this one, and show you a few different ways of playing the g sharp guitar chord.
One way of playing it will be the full barre (barre - bar, same thing) g# chord shape. The other one is going to be a simpler version of the said chord that's great to get you started.
Also, have in mind that A flat (or Ab) and G sharp (or G#) are the same major chord, it’s just a matter of notation.
Let’s start with an easier version of the g# chord.
For this one, bar your first finger across the 4th fret of the 1st and the 2nd string. Add your middle finger to the 5th fret of the 3rd string, and your ring finger on the 6th fret of the 4th string.
There are not that many things that tend to scare off the beginner guitar players such as barre chords. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re gonna take you through it step by step. With a little bit of patience, you will be playing these like Bob Dylan in no time!
To play this one, barre your first finger across all 6 strings on the 4th fret. Put your middle finger on the 5th fret of the third string. Your ring finger goes on the 6th fret of the 5th string, and your pinky on the 6th fret of the 4th string.
In regards to your picking hand, you are playing across all 6 strings.
- When playing a full bar chord, pick all strings separately to make sure you have pressed them all strong enough.
- When placing your fingers, make sure that you are behind the fret wire. Also, barre’s aside, make sure that you are pressing the strings with your fingertips.
Pro-tip: There are many different ways of playing the Ab/G# chord on the guitar. Do you want to learn other versions of this chord? Other chords in Ab major scale? Or like, literally everything guitar-related? If the answer is - yes, to any of the above, make sure to join the
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